

health, swimming, aqua aerobics, physical development


Much part of modern society potential is made up of today’s applicants for higher education. They are the ones who have to solve complex socio-economic, moral and ethical, national and other problems that require serious reforms in the system and content of activities in higher education institutions. Student age is also a responsible period of life in the formation of physical health and cultural skills that ensure its improvement, strengthening and preservation in the future.

The purpose of the work is to substantiate the teaching methods of swimming with the use of aqua aerobics. Tasks: 1) Based on the theoretical analysis of literary sources, to substantiate effective methods of teaching swimming to students. 2) To investigate the level of physical condition of first-year students. 3) To determine the effectiveness of the use of aqua aerobics in the initial swimming training of students.

Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, medical and biological research methods, methods of mathematical statistics.

Scientific novelty of the article is that the application of the developed method of using aqua aerobics for 1st year students in the initial training of swimming has improved swimming training, as well as indicators of physical health, physical activity, physical fitness and functionality of the body.

Conclusions. Analysing the obtained data of students’ motor activity, we can conclude that students lead a sedentary lifestyle, spend a lot of time preparing for classes, communicate in social networks, play computer games and almost do not pay due attention to specially organized physical activity. The researchers showed that students had medium and low levels of physical health. The application of the developed aqua aerobics method during the initial swimming training made it possible to significantly improve the level of physical condition and physical health.

Author Biographies

V. Astakhov, Dnieper State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor of Water Sports of the Dnieper State Academy
of Physical Culture and Sports
(Dnipro, Ukraine)

V. Lashko, Dnieper State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

Associate Professor of Water Sports of the Dnieper State Academy
of Physical Culture and Sports
(Dnipro, Ukraine)

O. Omelchenko, Dnieper State Academy of Physical culture and Sports

Ph.D in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor
of the department of water sports of the Dnieper State Academy
of Physical culture and Sports
(Dnipro, Ukraine)


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