higher education, healthy lifestyle, health, competence, professional success, primary schoolAbstract
The article analyzes the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle in the professional training of professionally successful future teachers of the New Ukrainian School. It is substantiated that Ukrainian society needs to instill in primary school students the ability to take care of their own health: lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, follow the rules of hygiene, avoid harmful habits and actions.
The purpose of the article is to analyze some aspects of the formation of a healthy lifestyle of professionally successful applicants for higher education – future teachers of the New Ukrainian School.
The methodology is based on the basic modern principles of pedagogical science, psychology, health culture, and reflects the relationship of methodological approaches to studying the concept of forming a healthy lifestyle of a professionally successful future teacher of the New Ukrainian School.
Scientific novelty. The process of forming a healthy lifestyle of a professionally successful future teacher of the New Ukrainian School in the process of professional training in higher education institutions is characterized.
Conclusions. 1. Applicants for higher education in pedagogical specialties must have established health competence. 2. Success in professional terms includes the concept of success (success) and the formation of a healthy lifestyle as future teachers of the New Ukrainian School and primary school students. 3. The teacher of the New Ukrainian School should understand the course of the process of health preservation and formation of a healthy lifestyle of primary school students and apply health-preserving competencies in their further pedagogical activity. 4. It is important to teach a healthy lifestyle and health, both primary school students and future teachers of the New Ukrainian School.
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