

prize medals, men's swimmers, women swimmers, European Swimming Championships, team rankings, achievement difference


 The article reveals the objective level of formation of motor skills of swimming based on the results of performances of the strongest swimmers-medalists among men and women, participants of the final swims of sports and marathon swimming at the XXXV European Aquatics Championships in Budapest, Hungary, which took place on May 10-23, 2021. The difference in results in men and women in terms of average speed of swimming is determined by the distances of their overcoming by various means: first of all, it concerns sprinting freestyle, butterfly swimming and freestyle relays and combined at the level up to – 0.21 m/s, breaststroke at the level of 0.19 m/s, as well as at distances in mixed relays up to – 0.16 m/s. A smaller difference in the average speed of swimming in women from men is observed in complex swimming – 0.15 m/s, stable freestyle swimming – 0.14 m/s and in marathon swimming – 0.07 m/s. The overall difference in average swimming speed is more than – 0.17 m/s (men, x±m=1.83±0.17; women, x±m=1.66±0.14; t=3,50; p<0,05). Although the general difference in the age of swimmers-medalists is almost not observed: x±m=24,77±1,76; women= x±m=25,33±1,25; t=0,23, р>0.05). The obtained data indicate that the fundamental difference in results in men and women is characteristically more dynamic, depending on the length of the distance traveled. Comparative analysis of the difference in the results of the average speed of swimming of the winners-winners in men and women, depending on the distance of swimming, showed that the greatest parameters are observed in sprinting by 50 m, which are more than – 0.22 m/s. Further, the degree of decrease in this indicator is followed by swimming by 100 m – 0.21 m/s, and at 400 m distances of swimming – 0.19 m/s, in mixed relays, this figure is more than – 0.18 m/s, and at 200 m – 0.17 m/s. At stairs distances of 800-1500 m and relay 4×200 m of freestyle – 0.15 m/s, and the smallest difference was recorded at the distances of marathon swimming – 0.07 m/s. Thus, the overall difference in the average speed of swimming is more than – 0.17 m/s (men, x±m=1.83±0.17; women., x±m=1.66±0.14; t= 3,50; p<0.05).

Author Biographies

O. Hanchar, Institute of Naval Forces of the National University «Odesa Maritime Academy»

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
associate professor of the department of combined military disciplines
of the Institute of Naval Forces of the National University «Odesa Maritime Academy»
(Odesa, Ukraine)

I. Hanchar, Institute of Naval Forces of the National University «Odesa Maritime Academy»

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor,
lecturer at the Institute of Naval Forces
of the National University «Odesa Maritime Academy»
(Odesa, Ukraine)


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