health care, formation of health-preserving competence, applicants for higher education, specialty «081 – Law», physical education, physical activityAbstract
The article analyses the problem of future lawyers’ of the specialty «081 – Law» healthpreserving competence formation in the process of physical education.
The purpose of the article is to analyse the problem of health care in the process of professional training of applicants for higher legal education in the specialty «081 – Law».
The methodology is based on the general principles and basic modern provisions of pedagogical science, psychology, health culture, and reflects the relationship of methodological approaches to studying the concept of the process health-preserving competence forming and development of motor activity of higher legal education.
Scientific novelty. The generalized theoretical data and practical experience of future lawyers’ health-preserving competence formation in the process of physical education in higher education institutions in extracurricular time are analysed. It is determined that there is a need to improve the process of health-preserving competence formation in higher education students in the specialty «081 – Law» and the development of their physical activity in the educational environment of universities.
Conclusions. 1. Formation of health-preserving competence of applicants for higher education in the specialty «081 – Law» takes place in the process of physical education in higher education institutions. 2. Physical training of applicants for higher education in the specialty «081 – Law» should be differentiated (motor actions). 3. Exercises can be both supportive and developmental. 4. Formation of health-preserving competence of applicants for higher education in the specialty «081 – Law» is based on developmental physical training for motor skills of strength and endurance. 5. The health of higher education seekers is possible due to the organization of various forms (types) of independent classes for students in higher education institutions and in excess of the schedule of educational classes on physical education and physical activity.
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