sensory education, children with special needsAbstract
The article confirms the data on the need to improve the sensory education of middle preschool children with special educational needs in preschool institutions. The state of sensory development of preschool children with SEN has been studied.
The aim of the work is to improve the sensory education of preschool children with special educational needs.
Methodology The study was conducted with middle preschool children (five years old) with SEN (visual impairment). Sensory education of children 5 years old involved the formation of actions aimed at solving complex cognitive tasks, analysis of the shape of objects; determining the possibility of moving objects in space; assessment of their proportions; performance of generalization, classification, comparison and matching. The study involved the diagnosis of the formation of sensory standards of size, shape and color. Pedagogical diagnosis was based on the methods of L.V. Wenger and M. Zemtsova using the effectiveness of middle preschool children in didactic games and productive activities. Diagnostic tasks were presented in the form of subjectgame material.
The scientific novelty of the results obtained lies in the expansion and addition of scientific information about the features of sensory development of preschool children with SEN.
Conclusions The results of the study demonstrated that 20% of children have a high level of sensory development, 40% of children have an average level and 40% have a low level of sensory development.
In the practical part of the work the system of pedagogical activity in sensory education of middle preschool children with SEN is developed. This work included the formation of sensory standards during all moments of the daily routine of preschool institution; organization of subjectspatial environment, work with parents aimed at increasing their competence in matters of sensory development and cooperation.
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