a music teacher’s professional success, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, emotional competence, pedagogical activityAbstract
Formulation of the problem. The circumstances of the organization of the educational process in conditions of war require the teacher to pay increased attention to the emotional component of learning – to create conditions of emotional stability and safety. Teacher’s social and emotional intelligence are of special importance here: they determine the subject's adequate understanding of other people and the effectiveness of interpersonal interaction, significantly influencing the pedagogical activity and professional success.
Methodology. Scientific research uses theoretical (description, generalization, comparison) and empirical (study of products and documents, content analysis, testing) research methods. The purpose of the article is to analyze the essence and structural components of social and emotional intelligence and their influence on the formation of a music teacher’s professional success.
Scientific novelty. The article analyzes the essence and structure of social and emotional intelligence through the prism of a music teacher’s professional activity and proves that social and emotional intelligence are fundamental factors in the formation of their professional success. It was determined that the main aspects and functions of the specified types of intelligence overlap with the criteria and indicators of the pedagogical activity and teacher's functions. A study of the levels of future teachers’ emotional intelligence within the project «Art has power: practices of future teachers’ emotional empowerment in conditions of war» showed that the vast majority of students (93%) have an average and low level of emotional intelligence, need emotional support and the development of emotional and social competences, which will ensure stress resistance and the ability to adapt in stressful conditions.
Conclusions. The formation of social and emotional intelligence significantly affects the indicators of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions, provides resources for stress resistance and adaptability, contributes to the establishment of positive subject-subject interaction, activates reflective and projective components of the music teacher’s activity and balances external and internal success factors.
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