

healthcare, out-of-school education, a pedagogical model, modern dance


The article presents a model of health care for students of out-of-school educational institutions by means of modern dance, which reflects the general structure of the health care process by introducing methods of teaching modern dance.

The purpose of the research is to substantiate the structure and content of the model of health care for students of out-of-school educational institutions by means of modern dance.

Research methodology. In the process of writing the article used the analysis of scientific sources on the problem of health in modern pedagogical theory and theoretical and methodological foundations of the health care process in out-of-school educational institutions of Ukraine. In order to substantiate the content and structure of the process of health care of students of out-of-school educational institutions by means of modern dance in out-of-school educational institutions the method of pedagogical modelling was used, which allowed to consider all components in unity and interaction.

The scientific novelty lies in the development and substantiation of a model of health care for students of out-of-school educational institutions by means of modern dance. Separated but interconnected elements that ensure the integrity of the process of forming the healthcare through modern dance, namely: goals, objectives, methodological approaches, pedagogical conditions, methods (methods, forms, and tools); components of health care and levels of their formation.

The following structural components of students' health, which can be provided by means of modern dance, have been identified: motivational-cognitive component (formation of motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle by means of modern dance; awareness of the essence and components of the concept of «health», «healthy lifestyle», health); physical-motor component (the state of physical development, somatic health, functional capabilities of the organism, the level of development of physical abilities); psycho-social component (formation of psycho-emotional state and volitional qualities, spiritual development of personality, development of individual and natural abilities; socialization in a group of peers by means of joint creative activity).

The research concludes that the implementation of the developed model should result in an increase in the level of health of students in out-of-school education.

Author Biography

N. Kholchenkova, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Doctor of Philosophy, lecturer
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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