physical training, volleyball, young athletes, optimizationAbstract
The aim of the work is to analyse the problem of volleyball players training and to find ways of increasing the effectiveness of the training process by optimizing the process of young athletes motor abilities development.
Methodology – an analysis and synthesis of data from scientific and methodological literature and policy normative documents.
Scientific novelty consists in identifying the reasons that complicate the process of effective sports training of young volleyball players. The structure of the main motor abilities of the players is shown. The direct dependence of physical (functional) and technical-tactical training of volleyball players has been proved. It has been established that it is advisable to conduct the physical training of volleyball players on a wide range of the skills and abilities characteristic of this sport, which will allow physical preparedness to be organically linked to the motor memory, providing a basis for the development of physical qualities in the most motor activities characteristic of competitive volleyball activity. The need to take into account the anatomical structure of athletes and the biomechanical peculiarities of the main technical methods of volleyball play has been determined while developing the players’ motor abilities.
Conclusions. The high level of modern volleyball requires scientifically sound planning of the training process of young athletes at all stages of multi-year sporting improvement. The development of physical qualities and the development of motor skills, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the players, will make it possible to avoid forcing the training process and contribute to the maximum realization of individual possibilities of young volleyball players. The use of a wide range of specially designed exercises in the process of developing the motor abilities of young athletes will provide the basis for the manifestation of these abilities in a wide variety of motor activities, which are characteristic of competitive volleyball activities.
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