academic rowing, passing of segments, simulator «Concept-2»Abstract
Building and improving the training process in cyclic sports is always an urgent problem. For the rational construction of the training process requires a detailed study of all its components. In academic rowing, the time of the distance as a whole and its individual segments is of great importance. In academic rowing, this study is facilitated by the use of various simulators – in particular the ergometer «Concept-2», which quite accurately mimics the technique of rowing and the nature of muscular effort. With the help of this simulator it is possible to analyze the effectiveness of the training or competitive distance, as well as to determine a number of indicators of athletes – speed, pace, rhythm, heart rate, calorie expenditure, distance traveled, power. Also, the use of this simulator during the training process allows you to achieve high sports results through the development and improvement of motor skills in combination with technical improvement. At the same time it becomes possible to identify errors and shortcomings in the athlete's rowing, as well as to adjust the training process.
The purpose of the work is to study the indicators of highly qualified athletes – time, pace and power when passing different distances – 2000 m and 6000 m on the simulator «Concept-2».
Research methods – analysis of scientific and methodological literature and the Internet, pedagogical observations. Scientific novelty of the article is a comparative analysis of time, pace, power of rowers when passing different distances on the ergometer «Concept-2», as well as the analysis of both distances in terms of time, pace, power over segments of 500 m. Conclusions. Researched and comparatively problematic issues related to the distance of rowers on the «Concept-2» simulator were revealed. Recorded аn increase in the rate of passage of segments at a distance of 2000 m was recorded. Definitely the highest power of passing of segments at a distance of 2000 m is determined.
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