extreme situation, professional training, employee, State Criminal and Executive Service of UkraineAbstract
The purpose of the article. To reveal the concept of extreme situation and methods of training the staff of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine to act in extreme situations.
Methodology. The research methods, such as: literary sources studying and pedagogical observing were used in the article.
Scientific novelty. The stages and process of training the staff of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine and their actions in extreme situations are highlighted.
Conclusions. In such a way, we managed to generalize the concept of extreme situation and to reveal the process of special professional training the staff of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine and their actions in extreme situations.
The scientific and methodological researches of leading domestic experts are analyzed in the article. The concept and nature of extreme situations are defined. The stages and process of training the staff of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine (SCES of Ukraine) are determined. The extreme procedures of the staff of the State Criminal and Executive System (SCES) are revealed. Five components in the structure of the pedagogical process, namely: theoretical and methodological, professional and practical, social and psychological, material and technical as well as logistical and regulatory are distinguished. Forms of theoretical and methodological training are lectures, seminars, open classes, and it is advisable to use problem-based learning, business games, modeling tactical circumstances and problems that are typical for specific extreme episodes and situations as the main methods of these classes. The process of methodical preparation covers four stages. The essence of social and psychological training is also revealed. The following principles of staff’s training are defined: specialization, multidirectional rhythm and feedback. The forms of control in the process of staff training are determined. Namely they are: operational control, current control and step-by-step control.
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