

higher educational establishments, students, management, the quality of knowledge, the quality of education


The article analyzes the key problems of management at higher educational establishments, their interconnection and influence on the knowledge of students.

The goal of the article is to characterize and analyze the reciprocal relationship and influence of the management quality and the knowledge of students ate higher educational establishments.

Research methodology. A comprehensive system analysis of scientific sources on the philosophical and general scientific levels of perception is applied in the article. The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach to the analysis of the regulatory and legal base, to the pedagogical research in management development at the higher educational establishments. The methodology of the research allowed identifying, defining and explaining how management influences the quality of students’ knowledge.

The scientific novelty of the results consists in the identification and explanation how management influences the quality of students’ knowledge at the higher educational establishments. In current context, the strategy of a high school requires considering the concepts of sustainable development, continuous creation, globalization of knowledge, solid reformation process; defines planning, organization of activity and content of education on a long-term horizon.

The research we have carried out allows making a conclusion that the interdisciplinary approach provides an opportunity to develop pedagogical theory and research methods of the achievements in other sciences; the quality of higher educational establishments’ management affects the quality of students’ preparation. The quality of students’ knowledge as an object of research in pedagogical management contributes to the implementation of quality systems, organization and management of educational process.

We have found out that according to the laws of Ukraine «About Education» (2014), «About Education» (2017), the administration of higher educational establishments, heads of its departments and professors (each one according to his level) should create the organizational system, manage it on the principals of democracy and humanity. It is important to direct the management of higher educational establishments to the pedagogical process using modern information technologies. It will provide personal growth and social mobility not only of students, but also of professors; cultural development of individual through the ideas of patriotism, ethical norms and social values; development of scientific activity at higher educational establishments; thorough preparation of students. The analysis of legal and regulatory documents, pedagogical literature allows to confirm that the traditional, typical for higher educational establishments approaches, formed for centuries, are to be reviewed.

Author Biography

O. Pronikov, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology
and methods of physical education,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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