

teacher, digital competence, digitalization of educational establishments, postgraduate pedagogical education


Based on the analysis of scientific literature, it was found out that the whole of knowledge, skills, abilities and various indicators of digital technology for communication, collaboration and professional development is associated with the search, creation and dissemination of digital resources, management and organization of digital technology in education and implementation of scientific research, individualization of evaluation; improves inclusion, personalization and promotes active involvement of students; is characterized by creative and responsible use of digital technologies for information processing, communication, content production, abundance and problem solving.

The purpose of the article is to investigate and theoretically substantiate directions of digitalization of institutions of general secondary, vocational and higher education, essence and specifics of teachers’ digital competence in terms of distance learning.

Methodology: In the process of theoretical and methodological research and achieving the goal, theoretical research methods were used, namely: comparative analysis of scientific publications, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, Internet resources, experience of pedagogical and academic staff of higher, professional pre-higher education of Ukraine – to determine the state and prospects of the problem under study; structural-logical analysis, systematization, classification – to systematize theoretical materials on the problem under study, characteristics of the peculiarities of teachers’ professional training in postgraduate pedagogical education and definition of conceptual and categorical apparatus of the research.

 Scientific novelty lies in the research of directions of digitalization in educational establishments of general secondary, vocational and higher education, theoretical substantiation of essence and specificity of teachers’ digital competence in the conditions of distance learning; introduction of our own definition of the concept «teachers digital competence», outlining ways and means, conditions of its formation and development of teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education.

Conclusions: formation and development of teachers’ digital competence in today's conditions are of particular importance and require the active support of the state, public and administration of educational institutions.

Author Biography

S. Tolochko, Institute of Educational Problems of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Institute of Educational Problems of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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