

healthy way of life, health protection, health culture, textbook, didactic system, didactic principles, plagiarism, the structure of the textbook, stylistics, test criteria


The article considers important conditions for creating a modern textbook for an integrated school course «Fundamentals of Health». The author encourages educators, publishers, teachers of higher educational institutions, practical teachers, and parents to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the school textbook structure: criteria for creating a textbook as an important tool for teaching, development, and education of students aimed at the actualizing knowledge about healthy lifestyles, health protection, health culture.

Emphasis is placed on the fact that there is only a small number of examples, which indicate incomplete didactic and methodological processing of educational material according to the students’ age-specific teaching abilities. Aspects of the school textbook theory are didactic, psychological, hygienic, and book learning requirements for its creation; the principles and criteria for the selection of scientific knowledge, as well as the requirements for the textbook structure: its conceptual apparatus, illustrative material, orientation apparatus, and apparatus for organizing the study of educational material acquirement; laboratory practice, computer support; ensuring the implementation of educational, developmental and educational potential of the textbook.

The aim of the article is to describe the peculiarities of a modern textbook creation in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the article is formed by the theory of cognition (unity of content and form, interrelation of theory and practice, the theory of cognition as an active transformative and reflective category of activity), the concept of integration of educational humanization paradigms into education.

The scientific novelty lies in the improvement of the theory of national textbook creation: the role of a school textbook in the system of teaching aids is presented, which gave grounds for paying attention to the notion of «textbook» in scientific and pedagogical literature in the conditions of distance learning; criterion-qualitative system for determining the methodological potential of the textbook as a tool for interactive teaching is developed and substantiated.

Conclusions. Critical analysis and substantiation of pedagogical problems in modern textbook creation comprise relevance of the topic; in comparison with existing traditional approaches to the organization of the educational process and identification of ways to strengthen the processual aspect of teaching, the analysis of philosophical, historical, psychological and pedagogical literature of the research problems enabled us to find out that the problem of modern textbook creation has been gradually taking shape under the influence of society's needs to enter the world’s educational space. The results of the research of the textbook creation problem in the native and foreign literature allowed us to characterize this problem in Ukraine.

Author Biography

L. Gorjana, International Academy of Safety, Ecology and Health

PhD, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
President of the International Academy of Safety, Ecology and Health
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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