distance learning, future foreign language teacher, information and methodological competence, information-communication technologiesAbstract
Purpose. Global digitalization is one of the dominant trends in society in the XXI century. These changes require rapid and effective educational solutions. In addition, dotted quarantine, which began in the spring of 2020, revealed gaps in the training of teachers, including English teachers, to organize the learning process distantly. The answer to this situation was the development of the course «Distance learning in foreign language teaching», the justification of the content and structure of which is the purpose of the article.
Methodology. The research methods we used in our work included: analysis of the scientific literature to determine the conceptual and categorical apparatus; analysis of educational-methodical and instructive-normative documentation in order to substantiate the relevance of course development, study the experience of distance learning in the world and in Ukraine.
Scientific novelty. The article offers our own vision of the content and structure of the course «Distance learning in foreign language teaching», aimed at training future teachers to organize the learning process of a foreign language in distance and mixed forms.
Conclusions. The article explored the concept of «distance learning», argued the relevance of the course «Methods of distance learning of foreign languages», considered its structure and content, which includes two content modules: distance learning tools (services for organizing interactive learning space and services for video conferencing), as well as distance learning tools (online boards: Miro, Jamboard, Zoom whiteboard, Padlet); services for the development of videos for foreign language classes in asynchronous mode: Loom; services for assessment and control of relevant skills and abilities: Google Forms, Mentimeter, Learningapps, etc.), which reflect the necessary aspects in the preparation of future teachers for distance learning of foreign languages.
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