

professional training, teaching methods, goals, forms and methods of teaching, distance training and content module


The purpose of the article is to update the problem of methodical training of future masters of higher education, which is an important component of their professional component, the development of professional and psychological and pedagogical creativity of the teacher. An important task of professional training of masters is their thorough knowledge and practical skills in the field of theory and practice of pedagogy and methods of higher education, which ensures the formation of competencies of pedagogical activities in higher education institutions. The dominant component of this process is the methodical preparation for the professional duties of a teacher, research and management of student research, organization and management of the educational process in higher education.

The methodological basis is the following approaches: systemic, integrated, competency, innovative, personality-oriented; principles: connection of training with practical activity, realities of life, systematicity and sequence, scientific activity and independence, thoroughness; and methods: general – activity, system, culturological, comparative; special – questionnaire, experiment, observation, document analysis.

The scientific novelty of the study is to substantiate the model of content and methodological component of professional training of future teachers of higher education, creating a creative environment for undergraduate students.

The study gives grounds to draw the following conclusions. Methodical training of masters is an important factor in improving the professional level of teachers. The logical combination of theoretical and practical training is a necessary condition for achieving a high professional level. Methodical training should be based on innovations and methodical interpretations. The theoretical basis of this study are the main provisions of the system of professional training of students of master's level of training and such an important component as methodological literacy. The main provisions of the theory of teaching have become dominant in substantiating the main postulates of the methodological readiness of future teachers of higher education for teaching. The transition to teaching methods through the use of training technologies is a promising area of professional training of undergraduate students and the development of their creative self-regulation.

Author Biographies

A. Bulda, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Doctor of Pedagogic sciences,
Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)

A. Karnaukh, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Candidate of Political sciences,
Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)

O. Morozova, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Candidate of Political sciences,
Associate Professor at the Department of Law and Branch Legal Disciplines,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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