

professional training, specialist, hotel and restaurant business, functions of training


Based on our own research, it is determined that professional training of future specialists in hotel and restaurant business is an organized, continuous and purposeful process of formation and development of professional competencies necessary for professional activity, which is carried out in higher education institutions of various forms of ownership and aimed at getting qualifications in accordance with the educational and professional programs of educational levels «bachelor» and «master» specialty 241 Hotel and restaurant business. A brief description of functions of professional training of future specialists in hotel and restaurant industry was carried out, taking into account our defined approaches to professional training of these specialists, including: competence-activity (educational-evolutive, advanced-prognostic, integrative functions), practice-oriented (adaptive, diagnostic-corrective, design and modeling functions), technological (technological, environmental, safety and recreational functions), individual-personal (value-oriented, reflexive-motivating and differentiation function), culturological (worldview-civic, moral-ethical, communicational functions).

The purpose of the article is to investigate and theoretically substantiate functions of professional training of future specialists in hotel and restaurant business in higher educational institutions and their diversification in modern economic conditions.

Methodology. In the process of theoretical and methodological research on the problem of defining and substantiating functions of professional training of future specialists in hotel and restaurant business in higher educational institutions theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis, idealization, abstraction, analogy, extrapolation, generalization, system approach, systematization) and empirical research (analysis of data from literature sources) were used. Methods of theoretical and empirical research were used to understand the essence of the concept of «function», «diversification»; to study and generalize their characteristics; to generalize main trends in training of highly educated specialists.

Scientific novelty lies in the study and theoretical substantiation of functions of professional training of future specialists in hotel and restaurant business in higher educational institutions and their diversification in modern economic conditions, taking into account our approaches to professional training of these specialists, including: competence, practice-oriented, technological, individual-personal, culturological.

Conclusions. The process of professional training of future specialists in hotel and restaurant business takes place with the help of our defined approaches to perform the selected functions, which ensures its quality and balance.

Author Biography

V. Burak, Kherson State University

Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor at the Department
of hotel-restaurant and tourist business,
Kherson State University
(Kherson, Ukraine)


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