

professional training, competence approach, advanced educational experience, elements of dual education, research practice


The article provides a theoretical and experimental justification for the introduction of dual education on the basis of a competency-based approach in the context of European integration changes in the higher education system.

Purpose: implementation of theoretical and experimental substantiation of the introduction of dual education on the basis of the competence approach in the context of European integration changes in the higher education system.

Methodology: methods of system analysis, comparison of scientific literature sources on the problems of professional training of future masters and the use of best practices in the application of elements of dual education in educational processes; pedagogical experience of universities of Central and Eastern Europe and integration in the conditions of higher pharmaceutical education of Ukraine; analysis of scientific publications of the world level of development of management of higher pharmaceutical education; pedagogical observation; questionnaires; testing; analysis of problem-based learning outcomes and group work.

Scientific novelty: introduction of elements of dual education in master's training is a component of innovative changes in the organization of professional training as promotes optimization of acquisition of qualitative professional signs, provides conditions of professional activity in the professional environment at social interaction based on humanistic and ethical bases; provides an opportunity for personal self-identification in future professional activities. In the process of experimental research and evaluation of the formation of professional readiness of masters for the implementation of professional competencies, the effectiveness of the introduction of elements of dual education in the organization of research practice in the research laboratories of future employers.

Conclusions. The introduction of elements of dual education in master's training is a component of innovative changes in the organization of professional training, as it helps to optimize the acquisition of quality professional characteristics, provides conditions for professional activity in a professional environment with social interaction based on humanistic and ethical principles; provides an opportunity for personal self-identification in future professional activities.

In the process of experimental research and evaluation of the formation of professional readiness of masters for the implementation of professional competencies based on the results of research practice with elements of dual education (2019-2020) confirmed the effectiveness of elements of dual education in the organization of research practice in research laboratories employers.

A promising area of further research is the design and development of master's degree programs with the introduction of elements of dual education.

Author Biographies

H. Voskoboynikova, Kyiv International University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Professor of Management quality, standardization and safety use of drugs,
Kyiv International University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)

V. Dovzhuk, Bogomolets National Medical University

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy,
Bogomolets National Medical University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)

L. Konovalova, Bogomolets National Medical University

Candidate of pedagogical sciences,
Associate Professor of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy,
Bogomolets National Medical University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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