

master's training, future philologist, communicative-pragmatic text analysis, functional simple sentence, pragmatically oriented analytical exercises


The purpose of the article is the scientific substantiation of the need and the possibility of taking in to account the communicative-pragmatic variety of traditional linguistic analysis of the text and the representation of the system of pragmatic oriented analytical exercises implemented during the master's training of future philologists.

Methodology. In substantiation of the essence of communicative-pragmatic analysis of the text as a type of educational activity, rely on scientific provisions on linguistics of the text (N. Bolatnova, N. Valegin, T. Dolzhikova, T. Ishchenko, L. Matsko, T. Mileva, T. Ternow), linguistic Pragmatics (F. Bacvich, L. Abzugla, N. Kondratenko, T. Kosmed, M. Oleshkov, G. Pocheptsov, I. Susov, S. Shubat-Savka, I. Shevchenko), functional and pragmatic syntax (I. Vikhovanets, M. Vinton, M. Vesevolovova, O. Dotsenko, A. Zagnitko, N. Zolotov, O. Melnychuk, M. Liver), Pragmatic linguistic didactics (R. Druzhenenko, S. Eremolenko, T. Ishchenko, I. Kukharchuk, S. Nadynik, M. Oilir, S. Omelchuk, M. Pentyluk, T. Symonenko, N. Schuljuk).

Scientific novelty. The article investigates the aspect of practical implementation of the elements of the communicative-pragmatic analysis of the text within the master's training of the future teachers of the faculty of philology. The necessity and possibility of the active involvement of analytical exercises is proved, which is due to the development of general linguistic communicative-pragmatic approach to studying the phenomena of the language system in their functional manifestation, as well as linguistic didactics paradigm of forming the professional competence of the future specialist. The theoretical substantiation of this problem gave impetus for the development and presentation of a number of pragmatically oriented exercises of an analytical nature, reflecting the elements of communicative-pragmatic analysis of a functional simple sentence. The author's understanding of the nature, essence, purpose, tasks, principles of the communicative-pragmatical analysis of the text (discursive fragment) influenced the diversity of the proposed exercises – from the differentiation of classes of speech acts, formally expressed by different types of simple sentences, to identifying pragmatic function of functional simple sentence within suggested communicative acts, analysis of the successful communicative interactions or reasons of the communicative deviations.

Conclusions. System realization of pragmatically-oriented analytical exercises in the course of master's training of future philologists on linguistic analysis of text at Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University convinced the need for offered work in other higher education institutions, as it corresponds to modern tendencies of development of linguistic scientific branch, and also to requirements of teaching of philological disciplines. Necessity also the auth or considers the preparation of a methodological manual – system of analytical communicative and pragmatic exercises.

Author Biographies

R. Druzhenenko, Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of Ukrainian Language,
Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)

O. Popova, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of Slavic Philology and Journalism
V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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