rhetorical competence, future primary school teacherAbstract
Аrticle's purpose – to substantiate pedagogical technologies of formation of rhetorical competence of the future primary school teacher.
Methodology: Theoretical methods are used: descriptive-analytical (analysis of psychological-pedagogical, philosophical, linguistic literature of domestic and foreign authors on the problem); socio-pedagogical method (observation of the process of formation of rhetorical competence of future primary school teachers during pedagogical practice).
The scientific novelty of the study is that the authors, taking into account the main scientific approaches to defining the concept of «rhetorical competence» offer their own: the ability to create, implement and reconstruct the idea and self-analysis of its authorial, oral or written, monologue or dialogue texts of different genres on a particular topic, taking into account the purpose and situation of public speech.
The experience of observing students' lessons during pedagogical practice in primary school and their oral answers in seminars on professional methods convinced the authors that most of them have insufficiently developed level of rhetorical competence. That is why the purpose of the study was to substantiate the need to use technologies for the formation of rhetorical competence in the training of future primary school teachers and to create a step-by-step method of this process.
The methodical system of step-by-step formation of rhetorical competence of the future primary school teacher is offered, which includes the following 3 stages: the first stage – the formation of communicative-speech (basic) and rhetorical (skills of the highest level) skills, which includes a set of language exercises using comic speech genres; the second stage – the development of speech (analytical, constructive, creative, situationally determined by the specifics of the primary school teacher) skills using storytelling 2 types; the third stage – further formation of rhetorical skills through the use of rhetorical techniques: rhetorical tasks, games and rhetorical analysis.
Examples of the use of rhetoric techniques in the study of «Methods of teaching Ukrainian language» and «Methods of teaching literary reading», the content of which aims to future primary school teachers to develop the ability to model Ukrainian language and reading lessons in primary school and improve the rhetorical competence of teachers on the one hand, and speech development of junior schoolchildren – on the other.
Conclusions: one of the ways to solve the problem of increasing the level of rhetorical competence of future primary school teachers is the active use in the educational process of higher storytelling 2 types (both storytelling by teachers and creating stories by students), rhetoric techniques (rhetorical tasks, rhetorical analysis and rhetorical games), tactics of comic influence (for didactic and demonstration purposes).
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