secondary education institutions, future teachers of biology and basics of health, social and pedagogical activity, pedagogical practiceAbstract
The article presents an analysis of the results of checking the readiness of socio-pedagogical activities of the future teacher of biology and basics of health during pedagogical practice in the context of educational regulations and research, defines criteria, indicators, describes the levels of readiness of future teachers of biology and health. to the implementation of socio-pedagogical activities in secondary education.
The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of readiness of future teachers of biology and basics of health to carry out socio-pedagogical activities and experimental verification of the effectiveness of methods of their implementation.
The methodological basis of the study is a systematic and personality-oriented approach to the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and pedagogical experience on the motivation of young people to form a healthy lifestyle. The paper uses a multilevel systematic analysis of scientific sources, based on the philosophical, general scientific and partially scientific and concrete scientific levels of knowledge.
Scientific novelty is to establish the main approaches to the formation of motivation for healthy lifestyles, based on the analysis of the main factors of influence of the educational environment and to rely on the unity of education and upbringing, the quality of formation of health-saving paradigm in pedagogical activity.
Conclusions. Pedagogical practice is an important part of the process of forming the readiness of the future teacher of biology and the basics of health for the effective implementation of socio-pedagogical as part of professional activity, in the closest possible conditions. The readiness of future teachers of biology and basics of health for socio-pedagogical activities in secondary education is manifested in the attitude of students to socio-pedagogical activities, their awareness of the motives and needs for this activity; in the presence of deep and versatile subject knowledge in the disciplines of the chosen specialty and psychological and pedagogical, methodological knowledge, skills and abilities in relation to work with students of secondary education.
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