information competence of a teacher, pedagogical modelingAbstract
The article reveals the conceptual, semantic and procedural aspects of technologicalization of the formation of information competence of students of philology in classes on methods of teaching Ukrainian literature.
The article’s purpose is to determine the components of the methodical model of formation of information competence of students of philology in the process of studying their methodical courses.
The research methodology consists in the use of theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis, analogy, abstraction, concretization, comparison, generalization), which helped to determine the scientific basis for the formation of information competence of students, and empirical methods (study of information sources and research problems), process.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results is manifested in the fact that: «the content of the concepts information and communication technologies», «information and digital competence of the student», «information competence of the teacher», «pedagogical technology», «pedagogical modeling» is specified; the theoretical model of formation of information competence of students-philologists is developed and scientifically substantiated; personality-oriented, communicative-activity and competence approaches in teaching have further developed.
Conclusions: the components of the methodological model of formation of information competence of students of philology are: conceptual (taking into account personality-oriented, competence, communicative-activity approaches and leading principles of learning), target (designing goals and objectives of simulated learning), content (outlining content and teaching tools), technological (use of ICT tools), evaluation-effective (provides for the phased nature of training and reliance on certain criteria and indicators for evaluating learning outcomes).
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