STEAM-education, competence, teacher, training, financial literacyAbstract
The article examines STEAM-education in the system of professional development of teachers in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education.
The purpose of this work is to analyze STEAM-education in the system of advanced training for teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education institutions. Research methodology. The article uses the analysis of scientific sources at the philosophical and general scientific levels of knowledge.
The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach to the analysis of pedagogical research on the development of STEAM-education in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education. The research methodology made it possible to determine and substantiate the influence of Stem-education on the quality of professional development of teachers in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education.
The scientific novelty of the results obtained lies in the fact that the use and influence of STEAM education on the improvement of teaching is substantiated in order to improve technologies in the educational process of institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education. Improving STEAM-education in the system of advanced training for teachers in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education should become a priority direction of the educational policy of the state.
In accordance with the Laws «On Education» (2017) and «On General Secondary Education» (2020), the STEAM-education trend is gaining momentum in the educational space of Ukraine. It includes Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. The main goal of STEАM-education is to form and develop the mental, cognitive and creative qualities of young people, the level of which determines the competitive ability in the labor market; improving research and engineering education in educational institutions. It has been proved that the knowledge and skills gained by teachers, in particular the knowledge and skills in financial literacy, while improving their qualifications, should be considered as a factor in the growth of applicants for education. Only financially literate and competent teachers are capable of educating entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, conscientious taxpayers, and successful financially literate citizens.
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