Lifelong learning, adult educationAbstract
The purpose of research: Analysis of lifelong education for adults in the Republic of Moldova and synthesis of the main directions for modernizing the system of lifelong learning for adults, from the point of view of lifelong learning, carried out in various formal, non-formal and informal contexts.
Methodology: Analysis of legislative and normative national and European acts, analysis of data the National Bureau of Statistics; synthesis of normative aspects of management of lifelong learning of adults; generalization of the main problems affecting the effectiveness of adult education; deduction of the main directions for the modernization of the lifelong learning system for adults in Moldova.
The new directions of development, specified in European policy documents, call for the development of the normative framework for adult continuing education, in order to exclude the multitude of bottlenecks and improve the outcome of this process. The normative provisions in force have failed to solve the multitude of existing problems in this field. The lack of a systemic approach in the elaboration of normative-regulatory documents, which correlate the professional training process and the labor market requirements affect this segment, respectively, the urgent need to establish a functional relationship between labor market requirements, qualification standards and study programs remains valid.
The analysis of this situation, by reference to European policies in the field of adult education argues the need to modernize the system of lifelong learning from the perspective of active promotion of lifelong learning, conducted in various formal, non-formal and informal contexts, according to labor market requirements.
Novelty of research: the appropriate actions for the modernization of the adult lifelong learning system are deduced from the perspective of the active promotion of lifelong learning, carried out in various formal, non-formal and informal contexts, according to the requirements of the labor market: reconceptualizing the continuous training of adults from the perspective of motivation for lifelong learning; ensuring the functionality of the centers for validation and recognition of qualifications, obtained in a non-formal and informal context; ensuring the quality of adult continuing education services.
Conclusions. Directions for modernizing the lifelong learning system for adults in Moldova will be able to provide the country with an innovative and high-quality adult education system in order to provide people with the appropriate skills that will help them get or create jobs that are in demand in the labor market, cope with emergencies and economic shocks while supporting economic growth and social cohesion.
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