

Draft Law «On Adult Education», advanced training, internships, adult education providers, adult education centers


The goal of the paper. The peculiarities of organizational, legal and pedagogical principles of adult education in modern conditions have been analyzed in the article.

Methodology. Inductive and deductive methods were used in the course of generalizing and analyzing literary sources on the subject of the article.

Scientific novelty. The authors of the article identify the main components of adult education, reveal opportunities for implementing adult education in modern conditions, substantiate the necessary conditions for advanced training, internships, adults’ professional development.

Conclusions. Domestic teachers reveal the following main tasks of the adult education system: meeting of individual’s needs in intellectual, cultural and spiritual development by being in continuing training; forming students’ civic position, ability to work and live in the conditions of modern civilization, its democratic development; preserving and increasing moral, cultural, scientific values of society; disseminating knowledge among the population; raising its cultural and educational level.

The key functions of adult education include: adaptive, which includes the ability to adapt to dynamic changes in society; compensatory that allows you to realize the opportunities for selfdevelopment that were missing or lost due to various reasons; developing, which provides enrichment of person’s spiritual world; transformative, due to which a person undergoes a change in educational or qualification level, and as a consequence, a change in the intellectual and cultural level of society; prognostic, allows to carry out scientific prediction of development of a person and society; communicative, ensures transmitting of social experience from generation to generation; encouraging, acts as a stimulus for motivation in order to meet adult’s educational needs; analytical, involves implementing of research and analyzing the factors influencing adults’ needs in education.

The implementation of these functions may be carried on condition of their legislative consolidation. From September till October 2020, a public discussion of the draft law «On Adult Education» continued on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. If this law is adopted, the state will be obliged to undertake the liabilities to create appropriate conditions for the development of both the subjects of educational activity (adult education providers, adult education centers) that provide relevant educational services, and the realization of every person’s right to education regardless of their age.

Author Biographies

V. Dryzhak, Academy of State Penitentiary Service

PhD in Рedagogical Sciences, Аssociate professor,
Рrofessor of Department of Рedagogy and humanitarian disciplines,
Academy of State Penitentiary Service
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)

S. Yermak, Academy of State Penitentiary Service

Researcher ID C-2632-2019
PhD in Рedagogical Sciences, Аssociate professor,
Head of the Faculty of Advanced Training of
Personnel of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine,
Academy of State Penitentiary Service
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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