biomechanics, pedagogy, modeling, analysis, synthesisAbstract
Article's purpose. The work is devoted to analysing modern scientific approaches used in the field of biomechanics of exercise and discussing the prospects for further development of this discipline, taking into account the emergence of new ideas and technologies.
Methodology. The main methodological approaches in the preparation of this article were analysis of literature, generalization of one's own experience of pedagogical research, a survey and discussion of the problem with leading specialists in the field of biomechanics of exercise.
Scientific novelty. The article organizes information about the current state of the problem of biomechanical research in the field of human exercise, critically considers theoretical and experimental approaches to objective understanding of the basics of purposeful movements, shows the perspective of methods of biomechanical computer synthesis, as the basis for the establishment of the main biomechanicо-рedagogical components of motor action – elements of posture and control movements.
Conclusions. The study of motor actions based on biomechanical approaches meets the needs of sports pedagogy only in the case of an organic combination of analysis and synthesis. At the same time, synthesis based on the use of modern computer technologies is an effective means of establishing the main biomechanico-educational components of motor actions (elements of posture and control movements in joints). The results of this study, combining biomechanical analysis and computer synthesis, allow to effectively build the process of training performance of exercise, correct motor errors and determine the strategy of pedagogical impact on these components in order to achieve better results. The construction and use of methods related to biomechanical computer synthesis of exercise seems to be a promising direction for the further development of pedagogical biomechanics.