

professional training, methods of forming, self-direction culture, criteria of formed self-direction, the students, academic progress


The article is devoted to the research of forming of self-regulation culture of future physical training teachers in the process of studying valeological disciplines. The work deals with the problem of solving the contradictions between the need of the society to have physical training specialists, who are ready and able to use the methods of self-regulation in their professional activity and the absence of scientifically based approaches to the forming of self-regulation culture in the system of higher pedagogical education.

Based on a complex research the content and essence of the term «self-regulation culture» are defined. The criteria and levels of its formation are elaborated. The methods of forming of selfregulation culture of future physical training teachers is developed. The components, that form its system, are based.

The author came to the conclusion that there are different conceptual imaginations and approaches to the explaining of the process of self-regulation: «inner» regulation by a man of his activity in order to gain his purposes; realizing the own position of the individual of activity; man’s control under his emotions, feelings and worries; purposeful change of psychological states and separate psychological and physical functions; purposeful realized choice of character and behavior.

In the research 105 3rd year students of physical education faculty participated. The dynamics of students’ progress indexes was assessed. The results of experimental work revealed the effectiveness of the model and proved that its implementation into educational process promotes the forming of students’ self-regulation skills and habits, raises their self-esteem, makes a good influence at their functional state and indicates that forming of self-regulation culture is able and worth in the system of physical training teachers’ preparation. Research results proved the effectiveness of author program which was basic in the experimental group where a vivid increase of final and on-going progress index was obtained. Implementation of author methods within the process of education enhances self-direction skills forming, increases students’ confidence in their abilities, has positive impact on their progress confirming the idea and the necessity of self-direction culture forming in the system of higher education.

Author Biographies

S. Kudin, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Researcher ID: AAD-7545-2020
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Аssociate professor of department of
biological bases of physical education, health and sports,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)

O. Savonova, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Researcher ID: ABD-3531-2020
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Аssociate professor of department of
biological bases of physical education, health and sports,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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