language personality, Ukrainian-language personality, state language, Ukrainian language, speech culture, language-speech development, communicative competenceAbstract
The article reveals the essence of the concepts «language personality», «Ukrainian-language personality» in the theoretical and practical aspect. The peculiarities of the Ukrainianspeaking personality formation of the future primary school teacher of the New Ukrainian School on the basis of cultivating a value attitude to the state language are highlighted.
The purpose of the article is to define the essence of the concepts «language personality» and «Ukrainian-language personality», to highlight aspects of the formation of the Ukrainianlanguage personality of the future primary school teacher of the new Ukrainian school.
Methodology. The researched problem is considered from the point of view of interrelation of language and mentality of the nation, social function of language as means of national identity formation, world outlook of the people, its moral values. The main method of research is problemsearching (analysis, synthesis and generalization, study of the legislative base of documents on professional training of future teachers of the New Ukrainian School). Among the empirical methods: observations, conversations, experience of practical work of the authors of the article.
Scientific novelty. The article substantiates for the first time the essence of the concept of «Ukrainian-speaking personality», summarizes and systematizes the main approaches of scientists to the problem of language personality formation, outlines the conditions for the formation of Ukrainian-language personality of future primary school teachers New Ukrainian school, taking into account the practical experience of the authors on the basis of values to the Ukrainian language as the state language. A practical creative model is proposed, which helps to learn the correct pronunciation or emphasis of words with typical for modern media and other sources of information errors, the presence of which is explained by the influence of the bilingual environment. Emphasis is placed on the mnemonic component, the use of which contributes to the assimilation of a standardized version of words, the pronunciation of which is questionable and on the professional orientation of the proposed creative model.
Conclusions. The necessity of finding new theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation and improvement of the Ukrainian-speaking personality of the future primary school teacher of the New Ukrainian School is determined. Because perfect command of the state language is not only a necessary component of the image of a modern specialist in primary education, but also a mandatory feature of an educated citizen of Ukraine.
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