interactive competence, future teachers, foreign language, competence approach, educationAbstract
The article provides a theoretical and methodological analysis of the concept of «interactive competence». It has been revealed that there is an ambiguous interpretation of the concept of «interactive competence», which is a key component of competence education. It has been established that interactive competence is an indicator that provides an opportunity to determine the readiness of future foreign language teachers to modern times.
Article’s purpose. Carry out a theoretical and methodological analysis of views on interpretation of the concept of «interactive competence» in the context of the competency approach and formulate the author’s definition of its content.
Methodology. The methodological basis of the article are general scientific methods, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization. They allow to study the research material, explore scientific views of scientists on the meaningful interpretation of the concept of «interactive competence» and provide the opportunity to formulate conclusions. The use of specific scientific methods contributed to the development of scientific, educational and other literary sources. The problem-chronological method helped to determine the degree of study of the problem.
Scientific novelty. The author’s suggested definition of the concept «interactive competence» based on the analysis of existing scientific views has been proposed.
Conclusions. The competency approach of learners assumes that interactive competence should be one of the key outcomes of modern education, including work experience and professional values. Interactive competence is characterized by a set of objective and subjective prerequisites that contribute to the successful implementation of the professional activities of future foreign language teachers in accordance with educational standards.
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