professional standard, secondary education, higher education, secondary schoolAbstract
Under conditions of rapid social, economic and cultural needs of modern society the main difficulty falls on the educational sphere since it is the only important social component that allows flexibility and speed of social reactions. Qualitative teacher’s training, therefore, appears as a strategic task of every country that wants to see its citizens actively involved in important global processes.
The purpose of the study is to highlight the process of transformation of educational programmes in secondary education in the context of new professional standard, which makes significant adjustments not only to the professional orientation of the teacher, but also to the overall focus on competitiveness and popularity of this profession.
The methodology of the study includes substantial study of a new professional standard in the context of modern students’ training of specialty «Secondary education», using general scientific principles of research, in particular, terminological, functional, cognitive and modeling. The work reveals the main regulations of the professional standard in their practical implementation in higher education system.
The scientific novelty of the work is to find out the features of the transformation of higher education programmes regarding their effectiveness in modern secondary school teacher’s training, the role of a new professional standard in these changes, which outlines new prospects for the role of teachers in modern social processes.
Conclusions. The implementation of professional standard for secondary school teacher reveals new opportunities not only for changing focus on educational teacher’s training programmes, but, first of all, it indicates important professional accents. This in turn allows higher education institution prepare qualified teachers who constantly improve their skills, orient in job market requirements, adapt to suggested conditions (such as online learning) and become role models.
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