bachelor’s degree, students of higher education, professional success, professional competence, future teachers, New Ukrainian SchoolAbstract
Problem. The article examines the theoretical foundations of the development of professional success of future teachers of the New Ukrainian School. It has been proven that the specifics of motivation for professional success and the formation of professional competence of higher education seekers during the professional training of future primary school teachers should be directed to the programmatic results of higher education and the acquisition of professional competences of future teachers.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the theoretical foundations of the development of professional success of future teachers of the New Ukrainian School and in foreign countries. Research methodology: is based on general principles of philosophy, basic modern provisions of pedagogical science, psychology and reflects the relationship of methodological approaches to the study of the process of professional success and professional competence of future primary school teachers.
Scientific novelty. It has been proven that professional success is characterized by compliance with values and plans for continuous professional development, needs for expansion and growth in the direction of revealing one’s own potential, the result of which is the assimilation of knowledge, abilities, skills, and the value system of future teachers of the New Ukrainian School as participants in the educational process.
Conclusions. 1. The structure of a teacher’s professional success: socio-pedagogical orientation of the individual; pedagogical competence; professionally important qualities of a teacher; professionally significant mental and physiological properties of the teacher; the most significant soft skills for teaching work. 2. Professional competence and the achievement of professional success in combination with a competence approach is an important component of the educational environment of higher education institutions. 3. Professional success is a positive result that a future teacher of the New Ukrainian School has achieved in the process of realizing certain goals. 4. Achieving professional success of the future primary school teacher is facilitated by the self-realization of the individual through professional training and the acquisition of professional competencies.
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