media education, media literacy, trainingsAbstract
Modern civilization, culture, society, humans – all these concepts are inseparably linked with media culture. Nowadays, with the creation of a powerful information structure, information of various types is transformed into an economic category. As a result of development – the media becomes a saturation of the market of audience interests. Consequently, it divides channels by subject, classroom, address, national, territorial, temporal and other features, in other words, the influence of media on a person is becoming more and more professional. The flow of media information is constantly growing, new TV channels, periodicals, Internet sites are appearing.
The rapid development of media technologies and the expansion of their capabilities leads to the fact that the media are present today in almost every sphere of life, become in modern conditions a commodity of the consciousness industry.
Modern media (press, radio, television, cinema, and computer networks) give people all kinds of social information: economic, scientific, political, aesthetic, etc. The media are increasingly undertaking educational and informative functions, and are a kind of parallel school for the adolescent generation, which is increasingly called the media. And although the degree of awareness of the various media depends on many factors (the main of which are the age of the audience, the availability of media, etc.), interest to the media is constantly growing, and the free time of young people is closely connected and associated with the media. This is not surprising, because, for most children and young people, modern media (especially the Internet) is much more than just a means of learning about the world around them. This is their world, their virtual reality, where all the best and worst can be both created and destroyed. Young people like to deal with new technologies much more than adults, and they are more at ease in this regard.
Despite the simplicity and accessibility of media information, which a person, at first sight, is quite easy to manage, one sometimes does not notice becoming a passive object of the information world, in which not all information is comprehensive and reliable. The constant growth of media popularity in education and among youth is determined by using therapeutic, recreational, aesthetic, cognitive, informational, communicative, moral, social, and other functions. The flow of media information is constantly growing, including unreliable, and sometimes openly manipulating the individual’s consciousness, requiring the modern viewer’s, listener’s, reader’s original thinking and critical analysis, identifying the aesthetic and artistic value of media texts, determining their potential for personal development. For this reason, one of the ways to ensure the information and psychological security of the individual is the ability to read the media text, develop independence, critical thinking, which increases resistance to the manipulative influence of media information.
The aim of the work is to reveal and show experience in conducting trainings on media literacy for better work with media technologies.
Methodology. Systematization and theoretical understanding of scientific publications, analysis of scientific and educational literature, internet sources, disclosure of the main definitions of the researched problem, generalization, and clarification of scientists’ ideas.
Scientific novelty. New aspects of media education applications in the conditions of higher education institutions are defined in accordance with legislative changes. The main forms of implementation of media education for various categories of participants in the educational process of the institution are presented. The optimal conditions for combining a media literacy course in academic disciplines are revealed. It is analyzed what competencies participants in the educational process acquire after mastering the course.
It is concluded that the introduction of courses on media literacy will help to effectively navigate the media space and understand your own media needs; it will contribute to an adequate and versatile assessment of the content and forms of information, its full-fledged and critical interpretation, taking into account the peculiarities of the language perception of the various media.
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