distance learning, psychological and pedagogical conditions, readiness for distance learningAbstract
The article has studied the problem of organizing distance learning in higher education institutions. The conceptual framework has been analyzed and the main psychological and pedagogical conditions for the practical implementation of distance learning have been determined.
The purpose of the study is to determine the main psychological and pedagogical conditions of organizing distance learning in higher education institutions.
The research methodology includes general theoretical methods: analysis and synthesis of pedagogical, psychological, and sociological literature on the research problem; comparison, systematization, generalization, interpretation of existing theoretical approaches and empirical results; analytical induction as a technique for forming universal statements about the essence and features of distance learning organization in higher education institutions.
Scientific novelty. The psychological and pedagogical conditions of organizing full-time studies in higher education institutions with elements of distance learning have been defined.
Conclusions. As a result of the conducted theoretical research, we can state:
Distance learning significantly corrects general didactic goals and teaching methods: while using new information technologies the center of complexity is transferred to the students, who actively build the educational process, choose their trajectory in the educational space (in traditional education the teacher is the central figure). As practice shows, it is difficult for a student to organize their learning process.
The structure and content of information communication between the student, teacher, and the interactive source of educational information have significantly changed.
The structure and content of teaching and learning materials for the educational process
under conditions of distance learning differ from the structure and content of traditional learning.
Teacher-student, student-student communication, and the level of specialists’ preparation in person-to-person professions are significantly deteriorating: these are all teaching professions without exception.
And, perhaps most importantly: during distance learning, it is impossible to form professional competencies, the formation of which requires material and technical support in the form of laboratories, training workshops, research stations, etc. In our opinion, it is necessary to use distance learning to train material production specialists (skilled workers, engineering and technical workers, etc.), medicine, teachers of technical direction (physics, chemistry, technology, etc.) quite carefully only in the form of online lectures, since it is impossible to form professionally important practical skills and abilities remotely.
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