extracurricular education, vocal-choral education, children of primary-schoolage, motivation, stimulus, component structureAbstract
Article’s purpose. The article considers the topical issue of extracurricular education – determining the components of vocal and choral learning of primary school children.
Methodology. The research is based on the application of common scientific methods, namely, analysis, comparison.
Scientific novelty. The component structure of vocal and choral learning of junior school children was defined by the author on the basis of the hedonistic approach (cognitive, emotionalvolitional, motivational-stimulating, value-oriented, creative-corrective). Based on the analysis of the concept of «learning» from the point of view of psychology and pedagogy, the concept of «vocal and choral learning of primary school children’s» is defined.
Motivation of the affiliation and reaching of success is considered as necessary in extracurricular education. In the context of vocal and choral learning on the basis of a hedonistic approach, the importance of attitude and positive motivation to learn is emphasized. The cognitive motives and motives of creative activity that are necessary for the development of primary school children’s interest in learning something new in the process of vocal and choral learning are actualized. It is noted on the importance of a concert performance in the vocal and choral learning of junior school students, as a mandatory form of manifestation of opportunities, knowledge, skills and abilities of students.
Conclusions. It is concluded that vocal and choral education of primary school children’s on the basis of the hedonistic approach should be carried out taking into account such structural components as cognitive, motivational-stimulating, emotional-volitional, value-oriented, creativecorrective. Motivational-stimulating component as a leader in the structure of vocal and choral education of junior school children, aimed at ensuring their positive attitude to creative activity.
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