

citizenship, responsibility, labor training, formation


The article considers the issues of creating a universal scientific and effective system of formation of civic responsibility of primary school students in labor training on the basis of proven conceptual approaches.

The purpose of the work – on the basis of a holistic scientific analysis to substantiate a holistic system of methods of forming civic responsibility in the labor training of primary school students. To achieve this goal at different stages of scientific research used a set of interrelated and adequate research goals of theoretical methods – analysis, classification, generalization of theoretical approaches of domestic and foreign scientists in philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, psychology to study the essence and systematization of theoretical and empirical data to substantiate the methodological foundations of the formation of civic responsibility of students.

The scientific novelty of a sound approach to the formation of students’ civic responsibility is to explain and predict this process by systematizing, based on generally accepted and proven conceptual approaches, methods of labor training for the formation of civic responsibility of the student’s personality.

Conclusions: a system of methods for the formation of civic responsibility of primary school students in the lessons of labor training, aimed at: teaching 5th grade students to understand civic norms and values (method «Rights, responsibilities and rules in the classroom»); development of students in grades 6-7 understanding and formation of values regarding civic responsibility (methods «School is life: we live ecologically», «Human rights and the environment»); labor training of pupils of 8-9 classes through gaining practical experience of civil responsibility (methods «Attention, we see everything», «What profession suits me?»).

Author Biographies

A. Dedenev, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University

Graduate student of the Department of
Theory and Methods of Technological Education,
Poltava V. G. Korolenko
National Pedagogical University
(Poltava, Ukraine)

А. Tsyna, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Theory
and Methods of Technological Education,
Poltava V. G. Korolenko
National Pedagogical University
(Poltava, Ukraine)


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