independent work, independence, design and technological activity, social networks, methods of technological educationAbstract
The transition of educational institutions to the mode of distance learning imposes new requirements on the preparation of students for independent work and methods of conducting lessons. It is necessary to realize that the level of independence of students has increased, so it is worth developing new pedagogical technologies for the organization of practical work. A feature of the lessons of labor training and technology is the organization of independent work on a creative project. It is important to determine the tools for coordinating the implementation of the stages of design and technological activities in terms of distance learning.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the method of organizing independent work of students on the implementation of creative projects on labor training and technology in the distance learning.
Objectives of the article: 1) to determine the content of independent work on the project on labor training and technology; 2) describe the method of coordinating the implementation of student creative projects on labor training and technology through social networks.
Methodology. The following research methods were used to solve certain tasks: theoretical analysis of scientific and educational literature, publications, Internet sources; generalization of research results of scientists; clarification of the main definitions of the researched problem.
Scientific novelty. The concepts of «independent work» and «independence» are specified and generalized. Use of tools of social networks Instagram and Facebook for the organization of independent work on performance of the creative project on labor training and technologies in the conditions of distance learning is offered.
Conclusions. In terms of the implementation of the educational process in a remote format, with the help of social networking tools you can organize and manage independent work of students on the project at a modern level, making it interesting and close to the individual characteristics of each student. In the future it is planned to explore the peculiarities of the organization of students’ choice of project topics according to their «level of approximate development».
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