
  • Tetyana Hrebenyk Postgraduate Student of the Department of Pedagogics and Methods of Teaching History and Social Subjects, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» (Chernihiv, Ukraine)


media education, media culture, media culture development, higher education teachers


The article dwells upon the study of the problem of media education of higher education teachers within the context of the formation and development of education in Ukraine; the current state, features of formation and development of media culture of higher school teachers are analyzed. The article clarifies the content of the concepts «media culture» and «media culture of higher education teachers»; current opportunities and practical experience in the development of media culture within the framework of formal, non-formal and informal education in Ukraine are considered; the emphasis is placed on the necessity to modernize the system of professional development of higher education teachers within the context of continuous education.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the relevance of the formation and development of media culture of higher education teachers within the historical and theoretical context.

The methodological basis of the study is general scientific methods (analysis, systematization, generalization) and specific scientific methods (comparative-historical and semantic-terminological method). Scientific novelty of the article is to highlight the historical and theoretical aspect and features of the formation and development of media culture of higher education teachers in Ukraine.

Conclusions. The high level of media culture of higher education teachers is able to provide the appropriate level of media education for recipients of educational services, which substantiates its relevance in modern social development. According to the analysis of regulatory & legal support and scientific findings, media training of higher education teachers in Ukraine is carried out in the process of formal, non-formal and informal education and has some regulatory support; the introduction of media education is supported by scientific and educational institutions, public organizations, the coordination center of media education ? National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. In the future, media education of the research & educational teaching staff of higher education institutions will be integrated into the development of their media culture and will become a system of interconnected multifunctional components that include media education practice and achievements of domestic and foreign pedagogical science. Adopting the ideas of media education will allow high school teachers to develop personal and professional media culture in today’s conditions.


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