inclusive education, students with special educational needs, IT lessons, information technologyAbstract
The article presents and analyzes the peculiarities of conducting IT lessons for students with special educational needs. It is noted that the creation of flexible adaptive educational environment provides additional opportunities for organizing the educational process, contributes to improving information literacy of students with special educational needs and realizing their educational abilities. The relevance of the article is due to the need to search for methods, forms and means of teaching that provide favorable conditions for informatics competence formation of students with special educational needs.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the specifics of conducting IT lessons for students with special educational needs.
The research methodology includes materialistic theories of cognition, according to which the knowledge of objective reality is the process of creative reflection of it in the human mind; dialectical teaching about the activity, the essence of a person with special educational needs; the influence of educational activities on the mental development of a person with special educational needs and increasing his creative potential.
Scientific novelty consists in the primary justification of didactic conditions and methods of conducting IT lessons for students with special educational needs; the technology of using teaching tools in organizing appropriate classes in inclusive education has been developed.
Conclusions. The article examines the forms of teaching students with special educational needs, didactic principles of planning and organizing a lesson in classrooms with an inclusive form of education, and defines the stages of the lesson. The peculiarities of conducting IT lessons for students with special educational needs are identified, and the role of correctional tasks in order to increase the activation and effectiveness of the educational process is determined. Some important requirements for IT lesson in classes with inclusive education are noted.
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