IT, educational environment, online resources, distance learning, information technologiesAbstract
Modern online resources which can be used at IT lessons while distance learning have been described and analyzed in this article. It has been stated that suggested online resources provide new possibilities to organize educational process, serve to media literacy improvement and academic possibilities actualization of schoolchildren. The purpose of using online resources at IT lessons is to increase the effectiveness of learning due to the improvement of methods of using information. The article focuses on the usage of IT in secondary comprehensive schools educational process. The topicality of the article is conditioned be the need of pupils’ informatics competence formation by using online resources under conditions of distance learning at IT lessons.
The issues of communicative technologies of teaching information transmission which provide the main function of learning and its support while online learning have been described. The conditions of inline supervision organization, pupils’ objective assessment using online resources while distance learning and actions of providing data validation of supervision done have been defined.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of using online resources in IT providing distance learning.
The methodological basis of the study includes cognitive materialism according to which the perception of objective reality is a process of its creative reflection in consciousness of a human; dialectic learning theory, creative essence of a personality; the influence of using online resources in educational process on cognitive development of a personality and increase of creative capacity of a person while distance learning.
The scientific novelty consists in the following: for the first time substantiation of didactic conditions to use online resources in IT providing distance learning; the development of the technology of using online resources in IT in the context of distance learning.
Conclusions. The options and further effective usage of online resources in IT in the context of distance learning to form pupils’ informatics competence and to increase the activation and productivity of the educational process have been defined.
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