3D-modeling, primary school, three-dimensional graphics, clothing modeling, projectAbstract
The main direction of the article and the purpose of the work is to study the study of primary school students in 3D graphics in clothing modeling, especially during technology lessons in the implementation of creative projects. It is about flexibility in practical activities, openness to the new, thinking, activity, creativity, courage in overcoming difficulties. The formation of the article is based on the results of the analysis of recent research and publications, which are devoted to the problem of development and implementation of creative projects in primary school.
The methodology is based on the use of classical research methods: methods of analysis of literature sources, analysis of products of activity, method of comparison, method of classification, which gave the opportunity to scientifically and theoretically substantiate the material.
The scientific novelty of the article is the study of 3D programs by students in the study of clothing modeling in technology lessons in primary school. The use of these programs creates conditions for comprehensive, intellectual personal development and education of students in creating creative projects in technology lessons.
Conclusions. Execution of a creative project by students with the help of 3D models for modeling, will ensure their creative and comprehensive development, implementation of programs in the educational process in primary school will create conditions for the formation of such necessary personality traits as neatness, concentration, patience.
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