educational process, technical ways of education, future teacher, institution of higher education, professional trainingAbstract
The goal of the work. Prove the feasibility of using technical teaching aids in the system of training future teachers.
Methodology. The following research methods were used to solve this goal: theoretical (study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical, philosophical sources, official and normative documents; comparison and generalization of scientists ‘views on the problem) and empirical (observation of students’ educational process).
Scientific novelty. The article investigates the problem of using modern technical ways of teaching in the organization of the educational process of future teachers of practical training. It is noted that the methodically correct using of technical teaching aids has always contributed to the optimization of the educational process of future teachers, and in the conditions of distance learning the organization of the educational process without modern technical ways would be impossible.
The essence of the concept of «technical teaching aids» is revealed, emphasis is placed on three levels of application of modern technical teaching aids in the educational process, namely on episodic, systematic and synchronous.
It is noted that in the organization of the educational process in a higher education institution, the most popular modern technical teaching aids such as a multimedia projector, laptop, interactive whiteboard, computer are used. The main points of their use in the training of future specialists are emphasized.
Conclusions. The use of modern technical teaching aids in the organization of the educational process of future teachers helps to increase the pace of learning the material and better memorization. However, even the most modern technical teaching aids will always perform only an ancillary function to the words of the teacher and will be able to increase the level of presentation of lecture material and diversify the organization of practical and laboratory classes. Features of the method of application of modern technical ways of teaching in the educational process of future teachers will significantly increase the professional training of future teachers, and especially prepare for professional activities in the context of blended learning of students in the future.
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