Standardization, Metrology, study, teaching methods, automotive engineeringAbstract
The article examines certain issues of improving the teaching methodology of the discipline «Standardization, quality management and certification» in the training of future specialists in the automotive engineering.
Disadvantages are identified both in the content of training and in organizational issues of the educational process: the level of didactic and material support, insufficient implementation of modern methodological approaches in the classroom, the study of general theoretical issues are not often supported by current examples of the field of automotive engineering. Possible ways to eliminate the above-mentioned disadvantages are revealed, and specific examples of using interdisciplinary connections are given.
Taking into account Ukraine’s entry into the European Economic Area, it is noted that it is important for the teacher to process the most up-to-date information in the automotive industry and changes in regulatory legal acts.
The purpose of the work is to identify relevant areas for improving the study of Standardization, quality management and certification in the training of specialists in the automotive engineering.
The research methodology is based on systematic, personality-oriented, and competencybased approaches. Analysis, systematization, comparison, and generalization are also used.
Scientific novelty: the features of the study are analyzed, the ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching Standardization, quality management and certification in the training of specialists in the automotive engineering are identified and justified.
Conclusions. Informatization of the educational industry, a saturation of the educational process with modern information tools, a significant increase in the volume of information on the basics of standardization and Metrology determine the need for a new assessment of the educational process ensuring problem. Knowledge of the basics of Metrological support, familiarization with the methods and means of Metrology, which allow you to verify the information by Metrological means, are further necessary issues for future specialists in automotive engineering when studying specialized disciplines, course, and diploma design. In the context of distance learning and insufficient material support, the use of computer modeling in classes on Standardization, quality management and certification is a powerful methodological tool for conducting researches and experiments.
An important aspect is the revision of the educational material content of the discipline, taking into account the constant updating of the regulatory framework of the Metrological and automotive industries and increasing the connection of theoretical material with practical examples of use in the relevant industry.
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