

creativity, creative activity, independent study


According to the concept of technology education of students of comprehensive schools (authors O. Kobernyk and V. Sydorenko), the path to high technological culture, in authors’ opinion, lies through effective technological education [1]. As the developers of the Concept emphasize, technological education of the younger generation on the threshold of the third millennium has become a necessary component of general Secondary Education, a necessary prerequisite for holistic and harmonious personal development. The authors note that a high level of education can be achieved only if the individual is highly motivated. Therefore, technological education involves the transition from subject-based to problem-oriented learning.

Having analyzed the main provisions of this document, we came to the conclusion that future technology teachers at the stage of preparation for professional activity, namely, when studying technological subjects, should be trained in the modern paradigm of technological education. In particular, it is necessary to stimulate their creative activity using problem-based learning and its type – project activity. We also noted that it is necessary to pay attention to such a type of activity of students as independent study. Firstly, modern curricula provide for a significant amount of time allocated to studying the subject, namely for independent study. Secondly, independent activity in combination with problem-based learning is a powerful stimulating tool for students' creative activity, the formation of their professional competencies, and a source for the development of abilities.

The purpose of the work is to reveal the essence of the concept of «creativity», «creative activity», to argue for the need to stimulate it in the professional training of students, to analyze the ways of developing creative activity as an important factor in the formation of professional competencies of students in the higher education system.

Methodology. Systematization and theoretical understanding of scientific publications, analysis of scientific and educational literature, internet sources, disclosure of the main definitions of the problem under study, generalization and clarification of scientists' ideas.

Scientific novelty. It consists in paying increased attention to the creative activity of students in the technological direction, introducing the role of independent and project activities as one of the characteristic factors influencing the formation of optimal conditions for the development of abilities and the formation of professional competencies of a future specialist when studying in higher education institutions.

Conclusions. When writing our work, we have come to the conclusion that the educational process can be understood as a type of cognition or activity of students, which can largely be organized and interpreted as creative activity. Revealing the levels of personal activity (reproductiveimitative, search-performing and creative activity), we have drawn the conclusion that they must be taken into account when organizing educational activities and orient the teacher to an individual approach while working with students. Optimal methods of stimulating creative activity are methods that allow you to activate the educational activity of students and carry out the intensification of the educational process. We have identified independent study of students, which is an effective means of developing students' creative activity. We have analyzed the theoretical foundations of the essence of independent study and its types. In our opinion, it is creative independent works (projects) or project-based training that serve best to realize the creative potential of students. The project method best stimulates students' creative activity in classes in technological disciplines. In addition, the result of students' participation in the creative process can be a new personality formation, their creative abilities, and formed professional competencies.

Author Biographies

E. Hovorov, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences,
Senior lecturer of Department of Technological Education
and Information Technologies,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)

O. Shulga, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Senior lecturer of Department of Technological Education
and Information Technologies,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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Profesiina pidhotovka maibutnoho vykladacha yak faktor formuvannia yoho tvorchoho potentsialu [Professional training of the future teacher as a factor of formation his creative potential]. Retrieved from :

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