preschool education, «hard skills», «soft skills», digital skills, future educators of preschool institutionsAbstract
The article reveals the features of the development of «hard skills», «soft skills» and digital skills in the process of forming the professional competence of the future educator of preschool children as an important component of employment in preschool education.
The purpose of the publication is to define and theoretically substantiate the conceptual foundations of the process of development of «hard skills», «soft skills» and digital skills in the context of forming the professional competence of future educators of preschool children as an important factor in further employment in preschool education institutions.
Research methodology in certain concepts of the categorical apparatus of research, substantiation of theoretical principles, research, analysis and systematization of experience of pedagogical practitioners, publications of leading researchers in printed periodicals and Internet resources.
The scientific novelty is to clarify the essence of the key concepts of «hard skills», «soft skills», digital skills (digital skills) and «competitiveness in the labor market» to determine the conceptual basis for training future professionals in modern educational process of higher education institutions.
In the context of theoretical analysis of the scientific literature, conclusions were made that create key concepts of the article. Hard skills are mandatory components of pedagogical activity (professional competencies) of a preschool teacher, «soft skills» – are a group of skills that allow people to be successful regardless of the special basics of the main activity and provide professional mobility. They will include content to persuade others, present yourself and your ideas, work in teams, take responsibility, be flexible with other and digital skills – navigation, which provides a transition to digital technologies that cover almost all areas of human life. Thus, we define the professional training of the future specialist of preschool education as an objectively existing set of «hard skills», «soft skills», «digital skills» of graduates, which ensure its successful professional activity in a competitive world.
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