visual literacy, future primary school teachers, fiction, puzzle, infographics, literature, online toolsAbstract
The purpose of the article is to determine the features of the formation of visual literacy of future primary school teachers by means of fiction with the help of online tools.
Methodology. The research is carried out on the basis of a combination of provisions of a number of methodological approaches, in particular: culturological, competence, activity, personality-oriented, axiological – which are applied on the basis of complementarity and compliance with the purpose of the research.
Various methods were used in the research process, for example: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature – in order to determine the state of development of the problem and prospects of its research; comparison – to compare the views of different scientists on the research problem; induction and deduction, systematization and generalization – for the development of research strategy, as well as the formulation of conclusions; observation of the educational process and analysis of the results of students’ educational activities – to determine the effectiveness of the formation of the studied phenomenon.
Scientific novelty. For the first time, the peculiarities of the formation of visual literacy of future primary school teachers by means of fiction with the help of online tools have been determined.
Conclusion. Visual literacy has been found to be the ability to accurately interpret and create visual messages in the learning process. It is proved that visual literacy plays a significant role in the formation of professional competence of future primary school teachers.
Possibilities of formation of visual literacy of future primary school teachers with the help of online tools are described, in particular by creating infographics and puzzles based on affective, critical and compositional approaches to image evaluation. Prospects for the usaпу of infographics and puzzles to motivate students’ learning activities, activate their knowledge, as well as to test the level of knowledge within the discipline «Children’s Literature», which is a part of the cycle of professional and practical training of future primary school teachers.
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