Internet, critical thinking, levels of formation, critical evaluation of information, learning processAbstract
Article’s purpose: to identify, theoretically justify the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of students’ ability to critically evaluate information on the Internet.
Methodology: development, modernization and effective use of criterion-diagnostic apparatus (criteria, indicators, levels, methods), which allows to objectively determine the level of formation of the ability to critically evaluate information on the Internet; the statement of recommendations on improvement of educational process with use of the developed model of process of formation of ability to critically estimate the information on the Internet which provides increase of efficiency of professional training of college students is substantiated.
Scientific novelty: in order to study the research process, using information, system and activity approaches, we have developed and described a structural and functional model of the process of forming in college students the ability to critically evaluate information on the Internet. The proposed model includes: normative-target, meaningful, organizational-formative and evaluation-effective blocks, the interaction of which determines the studied process and ensures its effective implementation. Significant influence on the functioning of the proposed model has a set of pedagogical conditions, which are also its structural component. Based on the theoretical analysis, we propose motivational, cognitive, activity, reflexive criteria and corresponding indicators. The levels of formation of this skill are optimal, acceptable and critical.
Conclusions: the effective formation of students ‘ability to critically evaluate information on the Internet will contribute to the use of theories of gradual formation of mental actions and developmental learning defined criteria, indicators and levels of students’ ability to critically evaluate information on the Internet.
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