future IT specialists, gamification, online-games, higher education applicant, competenceAbstract
Article’s purpose is to study the potential of gamification in education of future IT specialists and to explore the attitude of future IT professionals to online games. The authors conducted a survey and found out how the use of gamification in education affects the interest and motivation of future IT specialists in learning.
Methodology of the research is theoretical general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization) and experimental methods (observation and questioning); game theory, the theory of the formation of the motivational of the educational and cognitive activity of the individual, the theory of activity and the theory of motivation of activity, the theory of developmental learning.
Scientific novelty. The author investigated the attitude of future IT specialists to online games. The article describes how much time students devote to education in comparison with the time allocated for games. A connection was established between the level of interest and motivation of future IT specialists and gamified education, and the potential for using gamification in the education of future IT specialists was determined taking into account the digitalization of education.
Conclusions. The conducted research makes it possible to assert that a significant percentage of students spend their time playing online games much more than learning. Games have become an obligatory attribute of the modern life of adult, and 100% of students rated learning with elements of the game the highest score. The teachers are faced with the task of to enter into the gaming environment, to start to communicate using usual means convenient for students, where online games are occupy one of the first places. In the digital age, gamification is not an innovation, but a necessity.
The next areas of scientific research are prospects for introducing gamification methods to form the competencies of future IT specialists during educational at higher education applicant.
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