child with special educational needs, family, upbringing, empowerment, self-organization, counseling, patronage, trainingAbstract
The article considers the application of the leading social principle of empowerment in working with parents raising children with special educational needs. On the basis of the analysis of scientific works on the problem of organizing work with families to conquer life difficulties, the possibility of transposing the ideas of the empowerment into different forms of work with parents of children with special needs has been determined.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of the use of new forms of work on the empowerment and self-organization of parents raising children with special educational needs.
Methodology is based on the current provisions of pedagogical science, sociopsychological researches of the active study of the family, mobilization of its potential for the full integration into society of children with special educational needs as the realization of the strategic goal of their education and upbringing on an equal basis with healthy coevals.
The scientific novelty of the article is that the author's vision of mobilizing the potential of families by means of empowerment and self-organization of parents raising children with special educational needs is proposed.
Conclusions. Purposeful work with families, raising children with special educational needs allows them to overcome perplexity and uncertainty and further take an active position on the development of the child's personality The empowerment and self-organization of parents of children with special educational needs is an ambiguous and multifaceted problem, which combines a number of studies by scholars and practitioners on the content of working with families. We see prospects for further research into this problem in the development and improvement of forms and methods of active study of the family, establishing partnerships with parents, taking into account the interests, abilities and inner potential of the family. That will encourage a family raising a child with special educational needs to develop an active civic position, competencies to protect the rights of the child and the formation of social independence of children in the future.
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