foreign literature, translation, works of art, formation, professional culture, students, vocational education institutionsAbstract
The article analyzes the contradictions of teaching a course of a foreign literature in vocational schools and substantiates the target settings of its study as a means of forming students’ value orientations. In this regard, the problem of original and translation of works of foreign literature becomes relevant, because it can interest and motivate reading a book, and can be a reason for indifference to the work.
The objective of the article is to substantiate the importance of translation of works and ways of their use in institutions ZPTO.
Methodology and methods. A set of interrelated methods is used: theoretical analysis, comparison and generalization of scientific sources on the researched problem; systematization, classification of expert assessments, etc.
The scientific novelty is the development of experimental programs for the formation of a system of cultural knowledge of students. Fiction is a means of preserving and developing civilization, on its basis universal and professional values of the future specialist are formed, but the modern generation, fascinated by the flow of information, does not find time even to get acquainted with the masterpieces of domestic and world literature. If in high school Literature is one of the leading subjects, then in professional institutions its educational rating is significantly reduced. Thus, there is an objective need to analyze the contradictions of teaching a course of Foreign Literature in Vocational Schools and justify the target settings of its study as a means of forming the value orientations of students. The ways of acquainting students with the translations of works of art are determined, in particular when the teacher with the help of a qualified translator finds the translations that are most successful. Therefore, an important stage is the selection, the choice of quality translation, which should be done in collaboration with the teacher and the translator. The close connection between the teacher of Foreign Literature and the teacher of a foreign language is emphasized, as acquaintance with fragments of originals and translations is useful for both subjects. Opportunities for interested and gifted students to do small-volume translations under the guidance of a teacher and with the consultant’s advice are highlighted. Variants of translation of adapted texts for students in cooperation with a translator and a teacher of Foreign Literature, as well as a foreign language teacher are analyzed, when you can choose certain fragments that will be translated and adapted to the level of these students. The specifics of the age are taken into account, so translations that are made classically for the general public can sometimes be difficult to perceive, in fact, fourteen or sixteen years old students who study in Vocational Educational Institutions, which strengthens the role of translators who can translate fragments.
Conclusion. Thus, it is possible to acquaint students with translations of works of art in several ways. One of the best is when the teacher with the help of a qualified translator finds the translations that are most successful. In cooperation with a translator and a teacher of foreign literature, as well as a teacher of a foreign language, there can be chosen certain fragments that will be translated and adapted to the level of students.
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