professional competence, professional training, engineering and pedagogical activity, higher educational institutions, engineer-teacher, specialist-technologistAbstract
Article’s purpose: to reveal the features of the formation of professional competence of future specialists in the field of food technology in the process of practical training.
Methodology. The analysis of scientists’ views on engineering and pedagogical activity of future specialists of vocational education is carried out, the peculiarities of activity of employees of vocational schools are characterized. The production and technological activity of future specialists in the field of food technologies is analyzed, which makes it possible to identify components that fully reveal the content of their professional competence and can be effectively formed in the process of practical training. The peculiarities of professional and pedagogical activity of future specialists in the field of food technologies by their structure and orientation are substantiated. The main functions and structure of formation of professional competence of future specialists in the field of food technologies in the process of practical training are determined. The basis of professional activity of future specialists in the field of food technologies is described, which provides for designing the process of training skilled workers for the food industry, namely requires effective formation of knowledge about modern production, especially machinery and technology at a certain engineering level.
Scientific novelty. The role of special disciplines, which occupy an important place in the training of specialists, in terms of content, forms and methods of teaching and have specific features in comparison with the disciplines of general and technical. The main task of their study is to provide students with knowledge about the theoretical foundations of the processes of modern food production and service industries, knowledge of materials, equipment, design methodology, technology and production organization, the system of machines, mechanisms, devices and devices.
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