professional training, creative potential, institutions of higher education, methods, controlAbstract
The article reveals the peculiarities of the development of creative potential of future teachers during the study of the course «Fundamentals of Life Safety» in higher education institutions. It is established that the development of society and economy directly depends on the degree and quality of potential development of future teachers, which, in particular, includes acquired knowledge, skills, experience, motivation, and determines the ability of students to be a source of production, science, culture, i.e. to be creative, to be a person capable of innovation. The student may evaluate his success or failure positively or negatively, strive for achievement or not think about it, make an effort to ensure success, or, conversely, actually achieve or fail to succeed.
It is proved that the development of students’ creative potential is facilitated by all means of improving the educational process: updating the content of the training course «Fundamentals of Life Safety», diversification of teaching methods, introduction of new forms of independent work. The main components of the creative potential of future teachers are intelligence, general erudition and spiritual heritage, which are expressed through knowledge and skills, norms of behavior and aimed at a positive perception of life innovations.
The purpose of the work is to reveal the peculiarities of the development of the creative potential of future teachers of transport in the process of studying the discipline «Fundamentals of Life Safety» in a higher education institution.
The methodological basis is a systematic, personality-oriented, activity and axiological approaches to the training of future teachers of transport in the process of developing their creative potential during the study of the course «Fundamentals of Life Safety». Analysis of historiographical sources and scientific publications.
Scientific novelty: there were revealed and substantiated the features of the development of creative potential of future teachers of transport in the process of studying the discipline «Fundamentals of Life Safety» in higher education and the means of forming professional knowledge and skills of students in the learning process.
It was found that the creative potential allows students to optimally change the methods of action in accordance with the conditions of activity, which largely determine the result, novelty, originality, uniqueness of the subject’s approaches to activities, which, in general, encourage future teachers to creative self-development
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